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3 Ways to Showcase your Space with LA Surveys
We established LA Surveys five years ago in response to the repeated issues we were facing as architects relying on surveys that were inaccurate or incomplete. Since then, we’ve facilitated dozens of complex construction projects with our highly accurate and detailed surveys, which provide insights that only architects can offer.
What is WebShare and why is it such a great asset after any measured survey?
At LA Surveys, we invest in state-of-the-art technology in order to ensure we are always providing market-leading service and that our surveys not only produce the most accurate, reliable and user-friendly information, but crucially make that information available to anyone who will benefit from it.
A great example of this is our investment in FARO’s WebShare platform: an online repository for the processed point cloud data and panoramic photography that our scanners capture during every survey.
Ten things to consider when commissioning a measured survey
Every architectural project that involves an existing building needs to have a measured survey before the design team can start working on it, but what do clients and their representatives need to consider when commissioning the survey? LA Surveys are here to help.
LA Surveys: reducing time and costs while increasing accuracy
Since Lees Associates launched LA Surveys, we survey all of our own projects as well as offering it as a standalone service. But why did we start doing it, and what are the benefits?